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179+ Best German Names for Birds

179+ Best German Names for Birds

Searching for a German names for bird? Whether male or female, we’ve got options. Explore our list of cute names inspired by nature, German cuisine, and notable figures. Let’s find the perfect German name for your feathered friend!

Male German Names for Bird

Here are some male German names for bird along with their meanings:

  1. Adler – Eagle (symbol of strength)
  2. Albatros – Albatross (large seabird)
  3. Amsel – Blackbird (melodious singer)
  4. Bartgeier – Bearded Vulture (rare bird)
  5. Blaumeise – Blue Tit (blue and yellow plumage)
  6. Bussard – Buzzard (bird of prey)
  7. Dohle – Jackdaw (clever and adaptable)
  8. Dompfaff – Bullfinch (bright red plumage)
  9. Eistaucher – Great Northern Diver (diving bird)
  10. Elster – Magpie (intelligent and social)
  11. Falke – Falcon (swift hunter)
  12. Flamingo – Flamingo (tall wading bird)
  13. Gimpel – Bullfinch (brightly colored)
  14. Grünspecht – Green Woodpecker (green plumage)
  15. Habicht – Hawk (sharp-eyed predator)
  16. Hänfling – Linnet (small songbird)
  17. Kiebitz – Lapwing (distinctive call)
  18. Kranich – Crane (graceful wader)
  19. Meise – Tit (small and agile)
  20. Milan – Kite (majestic bird)
  21. Nachtigall – Nightingale (beautiful songbird)
  22. Nashornvogel – Hornbill (distinctive beak)
  23. Ortolan – Ortolan Bunting (small songbird)
  24. Papagei – Parrot (colorful and talkative)
  25. Pieper – Pipit (small, ground-dwelling bird)
  26. Quetzal – Quetzal (colorful bird)
  27. Rabe – Raven (intelligent and mysterious)
  28. Rotkehlchen – Robin (red-breasted)
  29. Säger – Sawbill (aquatic bird)
  30. Sperber – Sparrowhawk (agile predator)
  31. Star – Starling (social bird)
  32. Steinkauz – Little Owl (nocturnal bird)
  33. Stieglitz – Goldfinch (vibrant plumage)
  34. Teichhuhn – Coot (waterfowl)
  35. Turmfalke – Kestrel (hovering hunter)
  36. Uhu – Eagle Owl (large and powerful)
  37. Veilchenblaumann – Violet-backed Starling (colorful)
  38. Wanderfalke – Peregrine Falcon (fastest bird)
  39. Wiedehopf – Hoopoe (distinctive crest)
  40. Zaunkönig – Kingfisher (colorful and agile)
  41. Zaunkönig – Wren (small but energetic)
  42. Zeisig – Siskin (colorful finch)
  43. Ziegenmelker – Nightjar (nocturnal bird)

Female German Names for Bird

Here are some female German names for bird along with their meanings:

  1. Amsel – Blackbird (melodious singer)
  2. Bachstelze – Wagtail (found near water)
  3. Blaukehlchen – Bluethroat (blue-throated bird)
  4. Blaumeise – Blue Tit (blue and yellow plumage)
  5. Drossel – Thrush (melodic songbird)
  6. Elster – Magpie (intelligent and social)
  7. Eule – Owl (nocturnal bird)
  8. Falke – Falcon (swift and graceful)
  9. Flamingo – Flamingo (tall wading bird)
  10. Gans – Goose (migratory bird)
  11. Grünfink – Greenfinch (green plumage)
  12. Habicht – Hawk (predatory bird)
  13. Haubenmeise – Crested Tit (distinctive crest)
  14. Ibis – Ibis (long-legged bird)
  15. Kolibri – Hummingbird (tiny and colorful)
  16. Kolkrabe – Raven (intelligent and mysterious)
  17. Kranich – Crane (graceful wader)
  18. Lerche – Lark (uplifting songbird)
  19. Meise – Tit (small and agile)
  20. Möwe – Seagull (coastal bird)
  21. Nachtigall – Nightingale (beautiful songbird)
  22. Pelikan – Pelican (large waterbird)
  23. Pieper – Pipit (ground-dwelling bird)
  24. Pirol – Oriole (brightly colored)
  25. Reiher – Heron (long-legged wader)
  26. Rotkehlchen – Robin (red-breasted)
  27. Scharbe – Cormorant (diving bird)
  28. Schwalbe – Swallow (fast-flying bird)
  29. Sperber – Sparrowhawk (agile predator)
  30. Stieglitz – Goldfinch (vibrant plumage)
  31. Storch – Stork (symbol of birth)
  32. Sumpfhuhn – Moorhen (marsh-dwelling bird)
  33. Taube – Dove (symbol of peace)
  34. Turteltaube – Turtle Dove (gentle bird)
  35. Uhu – Eagle Owl (large and powerful)
  36. Vögelchen – Birdie (affectionate term)
  37. Wachtel – Quail (ground-dwelling bird)
  38. Waldohreule – Long-eared Owl (distinctive ears)
  39. Wasseramsel – Dipper (found near water)
  40. Zauberamsel – Magic Blackbird (enchanting songbird)
  41. Zaunkönigin – Wren (small and energetic)
  42. Zeisig – Siskin (colorful finch)
  43. Zimttaube – Cinnamon Dove (colorful plumage)
  44. Zitteraal – Plover (shorebird)

Cute German Bird Names

Here are some cute German names for bird along with their meanings:

  1. Amsel – Blackbird (melodious singer)
  2. Blaumeise – Blue Tit (blue and yellow plumage)
  3. Dompfaff – Bullfinch (bright colors)
  4. Eule – Owl (wise and nocturnal)
  5. Fink – Finch (small and colorful)
  6. Gänsegeier – Griffon Vulture (majestic flyer)
  7. Hänfling – Linnet (cute and lively)
  8. Ibis – Ibis (exotic wader)
  9. Kolibri – Hummingbird (tiny and agile)
  10. Lerche – Lark (uplifting songbird)
  11. Meise – Tit (small and active)
  12. Nachtigall – Nightingale (beautiful singer)
  13. Piepmatz – Little Birdie (adorable)
  14. Quetzal – Quetzal (colorful and exotic)
  15. Rotkehlchen – Robin (friendly and familiar)
  16. Sperber – Sparrowhawk (nimble predator)
  17. Stieglitz – Goldfinch (bright plumage)
  18. Taube – Dove (symbol of peace)
  19. Uhu – Eagle Owl (majestic and powerful)
  20. Vogelchen – Little Bird (endearing)
  21. Wachtel – Quail (ground-dwelling cutie)
  22. Zaunkönig – Wren (small and energetic)

Nature-Inspired German Names for Bird

Here are some nature-inspired German names for bird along with their meanings:

  1. Adler – Eagle (majestic bird)
  2. Bussard – Buzzard (bird of prey)
  3. Drossel – Thrush (songbird)
  4. Eichelhäher – Jay (colorful and intelligent)
  5. Falke – Falcon (fast and agile)
  6. Grünspecht – Green Woodpecker (forest dweller)
  7. Habicht – Hawk (sharp-eyed hunter)
  8. Ibis – Ibis (exotic wader)
  9. Kiebitz – Lapwing (graceful flier)
  10. Lerche – Lark (uplifting songbird)
  11. Meise – Tit (small and active)
  12. Nachtigall – Nightingale (beautiful singer)
  13. Ortolan – Ortolan Bunting (small and colorful)
  14. Pirol – Oriole (vibrant plumage)
  15. Quetzal – Quetzal (colorful and exotic)
  16. Rabe – Raven (wise and mysterious)
  17. Sperber – Sparrowhawk (nimble predator)
  18. Teichhuhn – Moorhen (wetland bird)
  19. Uhu – Eagle Owl (majestic and powerful)
  20. Vogel – Bird (general term)
  21. Waldkauz – Tawny Owl (forest-dwelling owl)
  22. Zaunkönig – Wren (small and energetic)

Food and Drink Inspired German Names for Bird

Here are some bird names inspired by famous German foods and drinks:

  1. Apfelstrudel – Apple strudel
  2. Bratkartoffeln – Fried potatoes
  3. Bratwurst – Sausage
  4. Brezel – Pretzel
  5. Currywurst – Curried sausage
  6. Eintopf – Stew
  7. Erbsensuppe – Pea soup
  8. Gulasch – Goulash
  9. Hefeweizen – Wheat beer
  10. Kartoffel – Potato
  11. Kirschkuchen – Cherry cake
  12. Kuchen – Cake
  13. Lebkuchen – Gingerbread
  14. Pfannkuchen – Pancake
  15. Pumpernickel – Dark rye bread
  16. Radler – Beer mixed with lemonade
  17. Rhabarber – Rhubarb
  18. Riesling – White wine grape variety
  19. Sauerbraten – Pot roast
  20. Sauerkirsch – Sour cherry
  21. Sauerkraut – Fermented cabbage
  22. Sauerteig – Sourdough
  23. Schinken – Ham
  24. Schnitzel – Breaded and fried meat cutlet
  25. Schokolade – Chocolate
  26. Schwarzbier – Dark beer
  27. Schwarzbrot – Rye bread
  28. Schwarzwälder – Black Forest (cake)
  29. Spätzle – Egg noodles
  30. Zwetschgen – Plums

Bird Names Inspired by Famous German People

Here are some bird names inspired by notable Germans from various fields such as science, music, philosophy, and sports:

  1. Bach – Inspired by Johann Sebastian Bach, a renowned composer and musician.
  2. Beethoven – Named after the legendary composer Ludwig van Beethoven.
  3. Bismarck – Named after Otto von Bismarck, a statesman who unified Germany.
  4. Brecht – Named after Bertolt Brecht, a playwright and poet.
  5. Einstein – In honor of Albert Einstein, the famous physicist known for his theory of relativity.
  6. Freud – Named after Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis.
  7. Goebbels – In memory of Joseph Goebbels, a prominent figure in Nazi Germany.
  8. Gutenberg – Named after Johannes Gutenberg, the inventor of the printing press.
  9. Heisenberg – In honor of Werner Heisenberg, a physicist known for the uncertainty principle.
  10. Hesse – Named after Hermann Hesse, a novelist and poet.
  11. Humboldt – Inspired by Alexander von Humboldt, a naturalist and explorer.
  12. Kant – Inspired by Immanuel Kant, a philosopher known for his ethical theory.
  13. Marx – In honor of Karl Marx, the influential philosopher and economist.
  14. Mozart – Inspired by Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, a prolific composer of the Classical era.
  15. Nietzsche – Inspired by Friedrich Nietzsche, a philosopher known for his profound ideas.
  16. Schiller – Named after Friedrich Schiller, a poet, philosopher, and playwright.
  17. Schopenhauer – Inspired by Arthur Schopenhauer, a philosopher known for his pessimistic worldview.
  18. Wagner – Named after Richard Wagner, a renowned composer known for his operas.

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